Why You May Need Car Insurance Even If You Don’t Have A Car

Car insurance protects you from car-related losses. As such, you would expect it to be necessary only for car owners. In reality, however, you may need car insurance even if you don't own a car. Here are examples of cases where you are better off with car insurance even if you don't have a car: You Intend To Drive a Friend's Car Not all motorists on the road are driving their own cars. Read More 

Think You Can Do Without Renter’s Insurance? Here Are Two Reasons To Reconsider

Renter's insurance is one of those things that many young, single people think that they can do without. After all, if you're just starting out, it can be difficult enough to afford the day-to-day costs of living on your own—renter's insurance seems like a cost you can do without. If this applies to you, here are two reasons to reconsider. 1. You probably own a lot more than you think you do. Read More 

Are Your Condo’s Walls Dripping? Who Is Responsible – And What Should You Do?

Owning a condominium unit can provide you with the best of both worlds – the wealth-building and autonomy that can come with owning real estate along with the ability to outsource exterior maintenance and repairs to the condominium association. However, these benefits are not without some potential pitfalls, and sharing walls (and plumbing access) with neighbors can sometimes present problems, especially when a plumbing leak develops. Read on to learn more about your options if you discover a water leak in your neighbor's condo is infiltrating your own. Read More 

Livestock Insurance 101: A Guide For New Livestock-Owning Farmers

When your business relies on the health and livelihood of animals to succeed and turn a profit, it can have you facing some really scary concerns. That are so many variables and factors that can come into play that would threaten the return of your initial investment in livestock that it is only logical top have some form of insurance. Thankfully, one sect of business insurance for farmers is livestock insurance, which essentially covers the animals you have on your farm. Read More 

The Major Differences Between Renter’s Insurance And Homeowner’s Insurance

Congratulations! If you've just purchased your first home, you'll be switching from being a tenant to being a homeowner -- with all the benefits and responsibilities that this entails. One of the big changes you're going to find is switching between renter's insurance and homeowner's insurance... and these changes can be big. Here's everything you need to know. Homeowner's Insurance Will Be More Expensive Homeowner's insurance is much more expensive than renter's insurance. Read More